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Battery/LED Floodlighting
Nitech Battery/LED Rechargeable Worksite Floodlight. 12 LED, 16 Hour Battery Life, 8.5kg. Mains Charger Included, Extension Masts, Vehicle Charger, 110v Charger & Power Take-off Adapter Available.
Nitech Battery/LED Rechargeable Worksite Floodlight. 12 LED, 16 Hour Battery Life, 8.5kg. Mains Charger Included, Extension Masts, Vehicle Charger, 110v Charger & Power Take-off Adapter Available.
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Nitech Battery/LED Rechargeable Worksite Floodlight. 12 LED, 16 Hour Battery Life, 8.5kg. Mains Charger Included, Extension Masts, Vehicle Charger, 110v Charger & Power Take-off Adapter Available.
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