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Infrastructure Catalogue - View Products

Catalogue Location: Home > Signalling > Points Operating Equipment > HW Point Machines and Spares > Spares

Cat NumberSup Pt/IDDescription    
0088/000385 Lock Blade For Use With LH or RH M/C on a Lead or Single Slip.
0088/000393 HW1000 Split Field Motor Brush, Imperial.
0088/000394 Lock Blade Cpte With Lug.
0088/000397 HW1000 & HW2000 Brush, Metric.
0088/000398 HW2000 Permanent Magnet Brush, Imperial.
0088/000399 Motor Cut Out Switch.
0088/000400 Crank handle
0088/000401 Detector Blade & Lug -RH.
0088/000402 Detector Blade - LH.
0088/000404 Encapsulated Diode.
0088/000405 Encapsulated Diode 'Cream'.
0088/000406 Detector Blade & Lug - LH.
0088/000409 HW2000 Adjustable Resistor.
0088/000410 HW1000 Resistor 4+4 Ohms.
0088/000411 Throw Bar
0088/000412 Throw-bar Coupling.
0088/000414 Point Machine Cover.
0088/000415 Detector Blade Guard.
0088/000416 Throw-bar Guard.
0088/000420 HW1000 Motor.
0088/000426 HW2000 Motor.
0088/001429 Gear, C/W Clutch & Cover, HW2000 Series M/C
0088/002447 HW Fixed Motor Contact.
0088/002448 Motor Control Contact, Moving.
0088/002449 N & R Contact Cpte.
0088/002450 N & R Bridge Contact Cpte.
0088/002451 Fixed Contact Cut Out Switch.
0088/005190 Finger Contact D5061605 COLA
0088/005191 HW2000 Finger Contact.
0088/028049 Cupboard Steel, Crank Handle Housing, Fitted With S362 Lock, Master Keyed To RKB222
0R88/000420 Motor, HW1000 Series M/C, Metric, Or Motor HW1000 Series M/C Imperial
0R88/000426 Motor PT M/C HW2000 Metr/Imp

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