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Infrastructure Catalogue - View Products
Catalogue Location: Home > Signalling > Points Operating Equipment > HW Point Machines and Spares > Machines
Cat Number | Sup Pt/ID | Description | | | | |
0088/000381 | | Point Machine, HW1121, 30/110V DC, Split Field. | |
0088/000383 | | Point Machine, HW2121, 110V DC, AC Immune, Permanent Magnet. | |
0088/000391 | | Point Machine, HW2121 110V DC AC IMM, Fitted with Plug Couplers. See 0088/000504 to 0088/000527 for Plug Leads | |
0088/000392 | | Point Machine, HW1121, Split-Field 110v DC, Wired For 4-Wire Control, Adaptable To 3-Wire Control, C/W Lock & Detector Blades, Fitted With Plug Couplers 88/000500 And 88/000499 | |
0R88/000381 | | Point Machine, HW1121, Split-Field 110V DC, Wired For 4-Wire Control, Adaptable To 3-Wire Control, C/W Lock & Detector Blades Motor Control Contact. BR RT/E/C/19254 July 1996 | |
0R88/000383 | | Point Machine, HW2121, AC Immune, 110V DC, Permanent Magnet Motor, C/W Lock & Detector Blades Motor Control Contact. BR RT/E/C/19254 Issue 2 July 1996 | |
0R88/000426 | | Motor PT M/C HW2000 Metr/Imp | |
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