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Catalogue Location: Home > Permanent Way > Lubricants and Greases > Lubricants

Cat NumberSup Pt/IDDescription    
0007/025074 Degreaser, Claretech, 5 litres. Readily biodegradable, water-soluble degreaser. Ideal for trackside maintenance.
0027/004608 High performance Slide Chair lubricant with excellent corrosion protection. Operates down to - 15 degrees C. 12.5Kg Tub.
0027/004609 High performance Slide Chair lubricant with excellent corrosion protection. Operates down to - 15 degrees C. 2kg Carton. Applied By Points Brush
0027/004641 Lubricant All-Seasons, For Fishplates And Slide Plates, For Spray Applicator, 12.5Kg Tub.
0027/025057 High quality Clamp Lock lubricant - contains solid lubricant and extreme pressure additives together with highly effective corrosion inhibitor package P80 CL, (5 litre Liquid Containers)
0027/025058 Lubricant, Spray, (Aerosol), For Clamp Point Locks, Non-flammable propellant, 400ml
0027/030003 Lubricant Claretech Supreme, Biodegradable, For Rail Flange Lubricators And For Use In Jumbo Luber, 12.5Kg Tub.
0057/055450 Interflon Fin Lube EP Slide Plate Lubricant
0057/055460 Interflon Fin Lube TF Slide Plate Lubricant (Aerosol)
0057/055465 Oil Interflon High Penetrating Lubrication Oil - Fin Lube Plus (500ml Can). Interflon Part. 8843
0057/055780 Interflon Fin Lube EP, 1 Litre Pale

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